Untitled (plant table)

Untitled (plant table)

Untitled (plant table) 2011, live plant, acrylic, steel, iron, pots. Installation shot. Approx 25 x 25 x 25 inches A live plant is contained within a box and used as a table. It is regularly watered, but the box is never removed. 

Center of the Youniverse

Center of the Youniverse

Center of the Youniverse (sconce), 2011, Mirror, steel, aluminum, fluorescent lights 23 x 23 x 3 inches. Edition available. Playing on ideas concerning vanity, narcissism, the microcosmic, and the macrocosmic, can one look at a mirror and not look at oneself even when juxtaposed and framed in the halo of a starry night sky? Is […]

Thinking of you

Thinking of you

Thinking of you, 2011, mirror, paint, 18 inch diameter, (Additional image at different angle), Edition of 25 Edition available. A halftone image of the artist is painted onto a mirror with strategically placed holes/gaps in the image. Standing in front of themirror a viewer is able to see their reflection in the mirror woven into the […]

Untitled (clock)

Untitled (clock)

  Untitled (clock) 2009, wood, plexi glass, portable dvd player, DVD 24 hour loop, 13.5 x 9.5 x 4 inches. A black acrylic sheet with “18:88” (a digital clock face) cut into it is placed in front of a portable DVD player playing a DVD looping images and video referring to various locations, times, and […]

Delaying the Inevitable

Delaying the Inevitable

Delaying the Inevitable, mylar, garbage, trash can, approx. 24 x 24 x 84 inchesA garbage can is extended to several feet, thus delaying its emptying, but also revealing its contents to allpassersby while simultaneously becoming more unstable as it fills to capacity.